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How To Be Happier At Work
Are you happy at work? How happiness improves business results?
Internationals organizations are experiencing problems with job closing*
Employees are more likely to call in sick if they are feeling burnt out**
Times more often people
leave to look for a new job
than those who are happy in
the workplace.
Employees reported experiencing burnout at work
* Deloitte ** Emplify report 2020
Lack of work-life balance and personal life leads to emotional burnout, excessive
physical exertion. As a result:
Low Quality Solutions
Low Personal effectiveness
Poor Performance
False paradigms: the "attainer" and the "pseudo-hero"
Workplace happiness is the key skills of an entrepreneur. It is the ability to conduct business with love that affects efficiency and financial results
Employee Happiness
Workplace happiness is more than a fashion trend.
This is an idea whose time has come.
The term "Workplace happiness" can cause various reactions, including skepticism. However,regarding studies on this topic, including scientific ones, the conclusion will be obvious: active happiness can be beneficial for any company
Active happiness
It is not a passive hedonistic happiness of comfort, not the happiness of consumption. This is not the employees happiness who are most concerned about corporate buns, health insurance and distance from work to home.
According to Aristotle, eudemonic happiness. Itis the happiness of interest, the happiness of full inclusion, the happiness of having a high level of meaning in work. This is the happiness you experience working in a circle of like-minded people who share your values.
Financial Motivation
Career growth
Goals and roles for each employee
Internal infrastructure
well-functioning of business processes
How we
We have developed a coaching approach
focused on identification of five systemic
factors of influence, clarity and consistency of these factors strongly affect the level of employees happiness at work.
A clear picture and a part of the
happiness component for employee
and the team as well
Personal approach to improve all
the factors affecting employee happiness
Measurable Results
"Side effects"
Incredible results
Investing in your employee wellbeing dramatically improves their mental health and most importantly, can bring meaning and purpose to their work. The presence of positive emotions bring higher levels of engagement, productivity and growth to the workplace. Happy employees are good for business.
Improve employer
8 out of 10
Happier Customer become loyal to the company
depends on the mood and internal state of employees. It influence on the final business result
About Us
CoachLab Consulting is an organizational consulting and coaching boutique. We suggest our clients personalized design their organizational structures, roles and responsibilities.
successful projects
years of experience
Coach's working hours
years of experience with entrepreneurs
Founder Oschepkova Olga
Member of the International Coach Federation (PCCICF)
Member of Association for Psychoanalytic Coaching and Business Consulting (APCBC)
Member of International Society forthe Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations (ISPSO)
Want to learn how CoachLAb Consulting
can work for your business?
+1 949 939 2240
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